The River Xingu finds herself temporarily free again

Why are major media resources, television, radio and global newspapers, not covering the plight of the Kayapos in their struggle against the Belo Monte Dam project? On June 15th of 2012, the indigenous peoples who […]

Courageous Saudi woman defies “religious police”

Please click on the photo above to join “The uprising of women in the Arab world” Facebook page. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – At a mall in Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, a courageous […]

Shark finning: Plight of the shark

The 2011 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report “The Future of Sharks: A Review of Action and Inaction”, which was generated to discuss any progress made in regard to shark conservation over the last […]

The “free-range” security blanket

We do comprehend the public’s desire for a nice, cozy security-blanket, however, the difference between a corporate push, whether for or against “free-range” animal agriculture, makes no viable difference to life on this planet, including human […]

Mother Nature Crying, a poem by Jamie D. Montalvo

A very intelligent and caring 9 year old girl named Jamie D. Montalvo, has sent us a poem in regard to how she feels about the vast animal slaughter and environmental degradation currently plaguing our […]