United States Citizens wishing to voice their opinions in an effort to make an impact on decisions regarding legislation, please do not hesitate to find your Senatorial and Congressional representatives through senate.gov and house.gov.
Please take a moment to learn about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s website and track U.S. legislation to find your representative’s stance on bills that affect our planet. Get involved in reshaping government!
Our mutual governments may not be screaming the sobering facts pertaining to global warming from mountain tops, but they are giving us the option to accept the information through sources like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Study their findings!
The Environmental Protection Agency publicly states that Methane is a dangerous greenhouse gas! What kind of future are we leaving to our children?
Keep an eye on current legislation at Govtrack & hold your representatives accountable for their responsibility to the future of our posterity!
You can also find your representatives at USA.gov. Make sure they are educated & more than just concerned about the issues facing our world pertaining to climate change. If they are not, replace them with someone who is!
For more information regarding how we can make positive changes in this world together or if you wish to become a volunteer for AELLA, please visit our contact page HERE.
Please do not hesitate to avail yourself of the opportunity to become more informed. Seek out information and ask questions, especially of world leaders. We encourage everyone to question the statistics offered through our continued education programs by simply asking the experts. Write to groups like the United Nations, or the European Union. Search their websites and postings on the subjects that we present.
I am a very active member on FB and involve myself in as many causes/petitions as possible in regard to animal cruelty and the atrocities that we are witnessing worldwide in regard to our animals. I have even attended marches, in the hope to make a difference. One of the things that amazes me most is the number of people worldwide that feel the same way as I do. Also the number of organisations that are also trying to make a difference as well., in regards to our animals. What I need to ask is, why with all these organisations formed, with all these causes/petitions, with all the public outcry in regard to animal abuse/cruelty does the government not take a stand. What must we do for them to take notice. Our earth, our animals, our seas, our forests are being literally destroyed/depleted right before our very eyes and those in government don’t seem to be noticing………just making the situation worse. What I would love to see, and I know that I won’t see it in my lifetime…is for all of us animal activists, all animal organisations, join together as one united group, without any egos or alternative agendas, putting differences aside and stand up and get taken notice of, get some Laws changed, bring in policies that protect the rights of animals. What can we do to make a difference, what can we do?????
Anything you need?Petitions you need to be signed?Anything too Keep our mammals Safe in our Oceans You got my Vote!!!!