Helping Hands for the Homeless at North Hollywood Park

On October the 26th, AELLA and the STOPCRUSH.ORG initiative supported Karen Hamza’s Angel Hanz for the Homeless by funding a healthy vegan meal for the homeless at North Hollywood Park, prepared by Betty Barns’s Bikini Bites vegan catering.


The turnout was incredible and the delicious food didn’t last very long.


We would like to thank Karen for her continued dedication toward making people and animals’ lives better, Betty for helping to put together this incredible vegan meal on such short notice, as well as every volunteer who donated their time to help make the event a reality!





Donations came in many forms and from several sources to help Karen realize this event. Among other forms of donation, blankets, shoes, clothing and food for homeless animal companions was supplied by numerous individuals.



Karen, Betty and the selfless volunteers who gave their time in the aid of those less fortunate, continue to prove that simple acts of kindness can go a long way toward bringing a bit of light into the lives of others.




Many of us live from paycheck to paycheck and we must remember that any one of us could  hit a stroke of “bad luck”, rendering us without a roof over our head or food in our belly. Some of us have already experienced what living in a homeless situation is like. This is all the more reason why we should always lend a helping hand to others who are trapped in a less fortunate situation than our own, when the opportunity arises.


The team members at AELLA and the STOPCRUSH.ORG initiative are proud to have helped sponsor this event. We hope to work with Karen and Betty again in the very near future. In unity, for all life.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Hunters: An Ecological Disaster

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The Naural Balance Has been & is off BECAUSE of us humanity, & vast etc else – THEY know NOT what THEY have done / do. Global Warming / Cooling, Climate Change – B/S! No, I’m NOT denying, what I am saying is that it is this humanity per / via God’s Word, STILL gone astray from HIM, like a disobedient child, think ‘The Flood’ back in Noah’s day was bad, what this humanity has done / does – do and yet to: human incomprehensible ocean’s of human and NON-human blood spilled / shed anywhere / everywhere, you know NOT what your (humanity) even guilty of ie: “THEY know NOT what THEY do” – Jesus.

Michael Cretu – Enigma’s: “WHY” –

White Lion’s: “When the Children Cry” –


Like it’s been said, of of course, with this (human) species: ‘The sole NON-innocence life on this planet Earth’, while all the other vast, individual species on this planet ARE the innocent; “If you human species can’t tend to your own planet (created by Father Jehovah God whom only wanted to ‘create’ something), though clearly after 20 – 70 centuries to date, exhibitedly that was never enough, then NONE of you human’s don’t deserve to live here on this planet Earth, period”!

It’s ironic hearing the dialogue exchange –
The ageless human individual innocence: I need to know what’s happening.
Keanu Reeves:
This planet is dying. The human species race inhabiting upon it. . . is killing it.
Jennifer Connelly:
So you’ve come here to help us.
Keanu Reeves:
No, ‘I’ didn’t.

Jennifer Connelly:
You came to save the Earth. . . from us. You came to save the Earth. . . ‘from’ – us.
Keanu Reeves:
The survival of this planet can not be risked for the sake of one species inhabiting upon it.
Jennifer Connelly:
What are you saying?
Keanu Reeves:
If the Earth dies, you 7,059,917,994 die. All of you. If all of you 7,059,917,994 die, the Earth survives, is renewed and reborn with a chance to repair, heal and recover, unto it’s once long ago untainted beauty.
Jennifer Connelly:
You can’t do this . . .
Keanu Reeves:
This creation can not be allowed to perish, at any cost or by any other species inhabiting upon it.
Jennifer Connelly:
We can change . . . We can still turn thing’s around . . .
Keanu Reeves:
God / Jehovah, Jesus, all the Angel’s and all of Heaven have watched, waited and hoped that you would change, despite time does not really exist.
Jennifer Connelly:
Please . . .
Keanu Reeves:
It has reached the tipping point. God / Jehovah must act, otherwise He invalidates, misc / etc His Holy Being and who He is. I can not make you human species understand, on your wave length..
Jennifer Connelly:
Please . . .
Keanu Reeves:
God / Jehovah will undo the damage human species race inhabiting upon it – have done, and give the Earth a chance to begin again, to survive, to be renewed, reborn unto it’s once long ago untainted beauty.
Jennifer Connelly:
Don’t do this. Please, we can change. We can change.
Keanu Reeves:
ENOUGH! You human species was created to care for this planet. And you have exhibited everything but across the Timeline, even with nothing has exhibitedly changed in over 2,000 year’s since Holy King Majesty Jesus returned back unto Heaven and His throne, along right hand side of God / Jehovah. The decision has been made. The process has begun.
Jennifer Connelly:
Oh God . . .
Keanu Reeves:
I have sincerely nothing more to say or add. If anything further, it will come from God / Jehovah / Holy King Majesty Jesus / HS Guidance Counselor – Holy Spirit whom came forth amidst the humans in the absence of King Majesty Jesus. The final eternal answer has been left unto and with King Majesty Jesus, by authority of God / Jehovah.

I thank you so very much for putting this wonderful piece together….I am so grateful for all of the support of STOPCURSH.ORG and AELLA….Bikini Bites for the delicious food……I am absolutely nothing but honored and appreciative for all of your support……………….This is BEAUTIFUL….Many thanks to you…This has touched my heart as, this was really huge for me to be, sponsored by INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS…COMPASSIONATELY!!!…Much Love!!!