A Last Stand for the Xingu

For the love of biodiversity, life in general and your fellow man, now is the time to stand up for your planet. The construction of this destructive mega-dam, which will devastate the already fragile Amazon basin, can not be allowed to continue.


Please click on any photo in this post to be redirected to amazonwatch.org. Support the demands of Brazilian civil society. Defend the Amazon, its people and stop the Belo Monte Dam Complex. There will also be a video on the support page with scenes from a historic indigenous gathering held in the Kayapó village, Amazonian state of Mato Grosso. The assembly was called to discuss the impending human rights and environmental disaster, the Belo Monte Dam, on the Lower Xingu.


In specific, the information at amazonwatch.org, discusses the menace that the Belo Monte Dam represents to Brazil’s indigenous people and the Amazon rain forest. Together, we need to find a way to forge a unified front in order to resist its construction.


The Amazon is one of the last precious pieces to the biodiversity puzzle on the planet. It is teeming with life; life that gives us life. When there are no more rain forests, there will be no more human beings. No Amazon, no oxygen. Please consider standing with the Xingu, at the very least, for your own posterity. Everything, all life is connected. It is time for humanity to see that statement as more than just a shamanistic euphemism, because it is cold hard scientific fact.

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