Seeping through the day light hours, early morning blood baths
And cant you see their lives are suffering?
They look up from their helplessness, screaming children and families ending
Waiting for the darkness descending into
The crumbling difference between wrong and right
Praying through the blood, will you look through despair and see that they are dying
Into the waters and on the shores nightmares waken and stumble
We think we translate pain, we think we can hear their final hours
Breaking down we become a voice collective, in unity we cry
For them
For us
This dying planet we pledge
We will find a way to do away
With the crumbling difference between wrong and right
But the center falls away and the voiceless become meaningless
Among the savage factions that now grow from the Movement
Collective to the Movement Divided
We look up into the growing chasm, splintered and selfish who will accept no other way
but their own
And cant you see their lives are suffering?
A Movement of just, a Movement of compassion we echo to empty chairs and empty hallways
Filled with egos and nothing more
Where we stand on soap boxes, and blog sites and fail to see
The crumbling difference between wrong and right
We may talk like lions, but we sacrifice like lambs
For the crumbling difference between who is wrong and who is right
The blood still spills, the forsaken cling to cages in labs
The fur is torn away and the life within dies screaming
Children too are left starving and the dolphins stare sightlessly
Through glass
At a sea they will never feel again,
Wondering, remembering, waiting,
For the crumbling remains of a world divided
For a movement of compassion to unite a people that have one aim,
To end the cruelty, to free the prisoners, to feed the mouths left parched and black
But they are still waiting, whilst we argue and malign
Losing sight of heaven, their eyes growing dim
As the Movement unravels from within
All for the crumbling differences of perspective
Between wrong and right.
Marla Stormwolf-Patty
Vice-PresidentĀ of AELLA